Physio Rehab | Cervical and Thoracic Spine Rehab - 12 Week Online Physiotherapy Exercise Rehabilitation Program




Detailed 6-stage layout  Detailed 12 week, 6-stage layout
Weekly program instruction  Weekly program instruction
Over 85 specific exercises  Over 85 specific exercises
100+ exercise demonstration videos  100+ exercise demonstration videos
35+ weekly educational videos  35+ weekly educational videos
Rehab and equipment product advices  Rehab and equipment product advice
FREE exercise + video library access  FREE exercise + video library access
Choose either 12 Month or Lifetime access  12 Month or Lifetime access options
One-time payment only  One-time payment only




This program is for people with conditions such as acute neck pain, chronic headaches, poor upper back mobility stiffness, cervical spine disc injuries, radiculopathy and thoracic spine joint stiffness - who are looking for the most effective and progressive physio rehabilitation exercises to get less pain, more mobility and increased strength in their neck and thoracic spine.

If you are stuck with recurring pain or injuries and are sick and tired of your "pain in the neck" then this the right program is for you. These are the exact exercises the we give to our clients in the clinic, that you can now do at home, in the gym and even at work.

Completing this program will help you get the results you need by improving your neck and upper back movement, mobility and muscle strength, along with increased spinal stability, scapula control, and better long-term posture.

Neck pain + headaches  Neck pain + headaches
Cervical spine disc injuries  Cervical spine disc injuries
Whiplash  Whiplash
Upper back joint stiffness  Upper back joint stiffness
Poor postural + muscle weakness  Poor posture + muscle weakness
Reduced spinal mobility + stability  Reduced spinal mobility + stability
Trigger points + muscle tension  Trigger points + muscle tension

Achilles Injury and Surgery Rehab - 26 Week Exercise Rehabilitation Program


Achilles Injury and Surgery Rehab - 26 Week Exercise Rehabilitation Program

Let's face it, the neck and upper back are areas of the body where people are the LEAST compliant with their exercises. Usually spine exercises are boring, time consuming and people just don't want to do them - and want a quick fix or immediate pain relief instead. However, to achieve success in getting over a neck or thoracic spine problem, you need to be guided and stick to a program that is detailed and motivating.

Following a set regime of exercises in this program that change every 2 weeks will allow you to ahcieve more success with your pain or injury and help stop you 'falling off the wagon' during your recovery.

The key is staying consistent with your exercises week to week and doing them correctly, as well has having a maintenance group of exercises that you can implement into you life long-term. In this program you will be shown exactly what to do with in-depth education videos, along with reps, sets and how many times per week - plus any equipment you may need.

The program is split into 6 stages, each being 2 weeks in duration, allowing you to improve in symptoms, mobility and strength to transition into the next stage easily.

Program Stages

Stage One: Weeks 1-2  Stage One: Weeks 1-2
Stage Two: Weeks 3-4  Stage Two: Weeks 3-4
Stage Three: Weeks 5-6  Stage Three: Weeks 5-6
Stage Four: Weeks 7-8  Stage Four: Weeks 7-8
Stage Five: Weeks 9-10  Stage Five: Weeks 9-10
Stage Six: Weeks 11-12  Stage Six: Weeks 11-12



To enter this program you must:

PROGRAM PRE-REQUISITES Have no major pain and/or severe neurological symptoms like pins and needles (parathesiae) in the arms or hand(s) or numbness (anaesthesiae) that are constant in your cervical or thoracic spine, shoulder blade (scapula), neck or brachial plexus nerve distribution;

PROGRAM PRE-REQUISITES Consult your Physiotherapist and/or Physician before you commence this program if you have constant pain, significant inflammation or an injury that is undiagnosed and;

PROGRAM PRE-REQUISITES Have seen a Physiotherapist or medical practitioner for an assessment of your condition and clearance to start a mobility and rehab program.


12 Month Program Access

12 Month Program Access

$109 AUD

12 Month Program Access

Lifetime Program Access

Lifetime Program Access

$209 AUD

Lifetime Program Access