Achilles Injury and Surgery Rehab | Week 10

Physio Check-In

Physio Check-In

Week 10 is a good time to check-in with the Physio, whether it's a in-house or online appointment. It's the start of the calf raise work and you should be seeing if you're ready, as well as getting any softt tissue massage and ankle joint mobilisation work that is needed. For acute injuries or chronic injuries that are not ruptures (and therefore started at week 9), seeing your Physio is a really good idea to make sure of the diagnosis, and assess if you are all ok to continue on with the exercises.

Program Instructions

Week 10 is a continuation on from week 9, with some slight additions. From this week you can add in glute, hip flexor and hamstring stretches to help loosen you up and stop any compensation of tight muscles up the chain in the leg from walking on a repaired or sore achilles. Offloading the leg from pain, injury or limping can sometimes create tightness in the non-affected leg (as it's doing more work) and tightnes in the affected (as you're not using it as much). If you are tight - do the the leg stretches in the mobility section to help counter this tightness and balance left and right.

In this 2nd week of stage 3 you will being calf raises from the floor as well as isometric holds. Always 2 legs for the next 2 weeks - do not attempt to go on one. For rupture cases this can be nerve-racking and feel very weak, but it is safe and essential to do. Don't push into pain and don't be concerned that you may not be able to get up very high. You may also find you can't keep even (50/50) percent weight-bearinbg on the way up, or be able to keep it up for long. That's ok, you have to start somewhere and then aim to build on this as the weeks go on. In stage 4 you are aiming to ben able to weight-bear on one leg in a calf raise so you need to start now on 2 legs to build that base.


Mobility Exercises

x / day
x / week

Rehab Exercises | Set A

x / day
x / week