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Physio Rehab | Videos | Injury and Treatment Demonstrations
Achilles Rupture Rehab - Calf Muscle Atrophy and Strength Loss
Achilles Surgical Repair - Tendon Strength and Mobility at Week 14
Achilles Tendon Overuse Injury
Achilles Tendon Repair Surgery - Post-op Week 10
Achilles Tendon Rupture - 6 Week Update
Achilles Tendon Rupture - Day 1
Achilles Tendon Rupture Rehab Exercises - Week 14
Achilles Tendon Rupture Repair - Week 6 Post-op
ACL Knee Strength Testing with a Digital Dynamometer
ACL LARS Surgery Day 2 - VMO activation and ROM | ACL-01-2
ACL Post-op Week 1 - Glutes and Deep Hip Rotators | ACL-01-3
ACL Reconstruction Surgery - Rehab at Week 14
ACL Rehab 9 Months - Quads and Hamstring Strength
ACL Rupture Skiing Injury - Non-surgical Management (Part 1)
ACL Surgery Day 4 - Extension, Quads and Hams | ACL-01-1
ACL Surgery Rehab - Single Leg Loading at Week 8
Adding the band for Clams and Bridges | LS-05-1
Ankle mobility heel slides and heel raises in sitting
Ankle Mobility Part 2 - Plantar Flexion
Ankle ROM, Soleus calf rasies and step down regress | AR-12-1
AP Joint Mobilisation for Knee Flexion ROM
Arthroscopic Shoulder Surgery - Rotator Cuff Repair
Calf Injury and Achilles Tendon Taping
Calf raises and gastroc floor stretches for achilles | AR-10-1
Centralising the disc bulge with extension in lying | LS-02-1
Cervical Spine Disc Bulge - McKenzie Physio Mobilisation
Chronic double frozen shoulder joint mobilisation - Pt.1
Chronic double frozen shoulder joint mobilisation - Pt.2
Controlling neutral spine into hip hinge with a back injury | LS-03-4
Core exercises after disc injury and nerve trauma | LS-04-1
Core re-boot after lumbar spine surgery
Core weakness after L1 fracture and spinal fusion surgery
Day 17 - Post-op Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery
Disc bulge lateral shift correction with side glides | LS-01-2
Dry needling for calf muscle trigger points
Dry Needling for Lumbar + Cervical Spinal Muscles
Dry Needling for Neck and Traps Muscle Release
Eccentric calf raise modification for weak achilles
Eccentric exercises and passive mobility using band | SR-08-1
Effective K-Taping for Hamstring Injuries
Extension with side glide for lateral disc bulge | LS-03-2
Fixing Medial Patella (knee) Pain in a Cycling Athlete
Frozen shoulder joint mobilisation to increase ROM
Glutes - Hip Extension, Squats and 1 leg balance | ACL-03-3
Hamstring Isometrics, Drops, and Flicks | ACL-04-1
Hamstring Kinesio taping and eccentric band curls | ACL-07-1
Hamstring Strength Loss in Jumping after ACL Surgery
Help for Sever's Disease (Heel Pain) in Kids
Help for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Hip Strength and Control Correction for Sprinters
How rotator cuff injuries happen through impingement | SR-24-1
How to Fit a Walker 'Moon Boot' Correctly
How to Tape for Acute Ankle Sprain Injuries
How to Tape for Peroneal Tendon Injuries
How to Tape for Plantar Fasciitis using K-Tape
How to tape your foot for plantar fasciitis
How to UNLOAD a Sore Shoulder (K-TAPE METHOD)
Ice compression and knee extension post-surgery | ACL-01-4
Improving Elbow Extension after Fracture and Surgery
Improving overhead movement with shoulder arthritis
Increase your Range and Stability after Ankle Sprains
Increasing Neck Rotation with Joint Mobilisation
ITB friction syndrome (bursitis) and patella tilt
Kinesio Taping for Patellofemoral Knee Pain
Kinesio taping for shoulder rotator cuff (infrapsinatus)
Knee alingment on the recumbent bike | ACL-02-3
Knee flexion target reached - 130 deg at 6 weeks | ACL-06-1
Knee Meniscus Surgery Rehab - Week 2 - Pt.1
Knee Meniscus Surgery Rehab - Week 2 - Pt.2
Knee Meniscus Surgery Rehab - Week 7 Exercises
Knee Rehab for Meniscal Tears and Synovitis - Pt.1
Knee ROM and tone week 23 in a ACL LARS recon | ACL-23-1
Knee Taping for MCL Injuries
Lumbar spine disc bulge and sciatica - week 1 | LS-01-1
Lumbar Spine Disc Protrusion and Sciatica - Part 1 - Physio Treatment
Mobility for Ankle Stiffness Pt.1 - Dorsiflexion
Multiple Fractures and ACL Injury to My Knee
My Ankle Sprain Diagnosis - FRACTURED FIBULA [Weber type A]
Myofascial massage for tight lower backs
Passive-assisted flexion ext rotation and abduction | SR-02-2
Pelvic floor activation, leg slides, knee floats and clams | LS-03-1
Progress snapsot - scar tissue and hamstring bulk | ACL-03-1
Rehab Progressions for Post-op Clavicle Fracture - Week 12
Rotation Mobilisation for Thoracic Spine Pain
Rotator Cuff Repair Surgery - Post-operative Day 4
Scapula Stability and Rotator Cuff Strenghtening Following AC Joint Surgery
Scapula winging and exercises to correct shoulder movement
Self Traction for Lower Back Pain
Shoulder Cuff Release and Joint Mobilisation Treatment - PART ONE
Shoulder Cuff Release and Joint Mobilisation Treatment - PART TWO
Shoulder dislocation post-surgery - Week 2 | SR-02-1
Shoulder impingement and treatment after fracture | SR-04-1
Shoulder labrum SLAP tear injury
Shoulder mobilisation following surgery
Shoulder mobility stretches in Stage 5 post-surgery | SR-14-1
Shoulder rehab pressing forward and above | SR-18-1
Shoulder Strength Testing with a Digital Dynamometer
Shoulder Surgery - Day 2 Post-op
Shoulder Surgery Part 1 - Rotator Cuff Repair
Shoulder Surgery Part 2 - Bicep Tenodesis
Shoulder Surgery - Post-op Day 10
Shoulder Taping for the Rotator Cuff
Side Planks - Essential for a stable spine and core | LS-05-2
SIJ and Lower Back Pain during Pregnancy - Part 1
SIJ and Lower Back Pain during Pregnancy - Part 2
SIJ and Lower Back Pain during Pregnancy - Part 3
SIJ and Lower Back Pain during Pregnancy - Part 4
SIJ Pain and Rehab Part 1 - Mobilisation and Stretches
SIJ Pain and Rehab Part 2 - Stability and Strength Exercises
Single leg hops and BOSU side step in achilles rehab | AR-17
Sitting VMO Squeeze, one leg balance and calf raise | ACL-02-2
Sports taping for ankle (sprain)
Stability and exercises after a shoulder dislocation | SR-01-1
Surgery for Clavicle Fracture - Post-op Rehab Week 5
Swelling in knee at week 8 after ACL surgery | ACL-08-1
Taping for AC Joint Pain and Injuries
Taping for Acute Lumbar Spine Pain
Taping for a Mid-Foot Avulsion Fracture
Taping for Shin Splints (RETURN TO RUNNING)
Taping for TFCC Wrist Injuries
Taping for Thumb Injuries
Taping for Tibialis Tendinopathies and Assisting Strengthening
The winging scapula and shoulder function explained
Top 4 Patella Taping Techniques for Pain and Instability
Treatment and Exercises for Cervical Disc Pain - Part 1 - Mobilisation
Treatment and stretches for a lumbar disc bulge | LS-01-4
Treatment for Cervicogenic Headaches
Treatment for Low Back Stiffness into Extension
Using the lumbar roll and increasing extension | LS-04-3
VMO Extension Raise after Knee Surgery | ACL-02-4
Walking and up down stairs with crutches | ACL-02-1
Walking re-education and glute bridges | ACL-03-2
Walking with Crutches and Reducing a Limp
Wall Side gliding in standing and lying at week 2 | LS-02-2
Weight-lifter's shoulder pain from an unstable AC joint
Wrist Pain Injury - Part 1 - Physio Mobilisation