H2 | Hip Abduction - Sidelying (band)

This is an advancement by adding load to the glutes. This exercise can be difficult to do properly. If you don't feel the fatigue in the gluteal muscles but feel it in the front of the hip or thigh then get it checked by your physio.

Demonstration and Instructions

Lie on your side and loop a mini band around your thighs just above the knees. Make sure your body is in a straight line with your pelvis vertical to the floor and keep a little amount of lift underneath your waist. Move your top leg slightly behind the bottom leg and point the toes down. Keeping your pelvis still, lift your top leg but squeezing your glutes. Keep your leg straight as you lift and clench (squeeze) the glute muscles as you lift to encourage them to activate. Make sure your leg does not come forward as you lift and your body stays in a nice straight line. Don't lift too high or your spine and pelvis will move and leg will come forwards. Slowly lower the leg and then repeat 3 sets of 10 reps

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