K3 | Front Squats KB (band)


This advances the Front Squat with the band bu adding load to further strength during the squat. The deep gluteal activation helps to increase lumbo-pelvic stability, improves tracking of the knees and hips and enhances your squat technique.



Start as you would for Front Squat. Squat backwards and downwards, bending at the hips and knees together, maintaining Neutral Spine. As you bend don’t let you knees roll in by pushing your knees outwards into the band. Keep straight, don't let your hips move off to one side. When you get to the bottom of the squat hold and try and imagine you are trying to get your knees over the outer sides of your feet by squeezing your deep gluteal muscles. Drive your self back up into standing by pushing through your heels and squeezing your gluteal muscles to bring you upwards. It is just as important that you don't let your knees roll in on the way back up, do this by continuing to push out into the band as you come back into the upright position.

Special Notes
Do NOT do this exercise with heavy weights if you have patellafemoral pain or are less than 12 weeks post - op ACL reconstructive surgery.
The tighter your theraband the harder the exercise - however, don't do it so tight that you cant maintain good alignment through out the movement. Start light with the kettlebells and build up slowly.