S4 | 1 Arm KB Chest Press (lateral band)

Stability advancement ot the 1 Arm KB Chest Press to increase strengthening in the rotator cuff and improving stability in the GHJ during open chain pressing.

Demonstration and Instructions

Loop a mini powerband or strong theraband around a solid object. Position yourself on the ground with treh band around your wrist, so the anchor point is coming across your body and on a slight angle towards your feet (i.e not directly medially). Pick up the kettle band in our hand and lie on your back. Raise hand above head in line with shoulder. Slowly retract your shoulder blade first, then bend your elbow and lower the weight down so your upper arm is on a 45 degree angle to your body. When your elbow is down at shoulder level you should have the shoulder blade fully retracted back. Then push the weight up by moving the arm straight first. Then push your shoulder blade forward.

Special Notes
Advance the difficulty by holding the kettlebell bottoms up, as well as changing the position of your body to have the band pulling in different directions to target different rotator cuff muscles.

Exercise Education Videos

Progression Levels