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Physio Rehab | Video Library | Rehab Exercises
Is your Knee RUN ready - but not SPORT ready? | 09-Nov-2024
Reduce Knee Pain in a Single Leg Squat After Surgery | 19-Dec-2023
Hip Strength and Control Correction for Sprinters | 06-Nov-2023
ACL Non-surgical - Stability and Strengthening Week 8/9 | 01-Oct-2023
Popliteus Injury - Strengthening for Tendinopathy | 15-Sep-2023
The Ultimate Step Down Progression for Knee Stability | 26-Jul-2023
Lateral Knee Pain Pt.2- Stability | 04-Jul-2023
Look After Your Knees - Exercises for Strength and Stability | 16-Mar-2023
Patello-femoral Pain and Hip Rehab in a Road Cyclist | 18-Sep-2022
Knee Stability Exercises at Week 11 Post ACL Surgery | 29-Aug-2022
Single Leg Strength Exercises - 12 Months After ACL Surgery | 04-Aug-2022
ACL Surgery Rehab - Single Leg Loading at Week 8 | 05-Jul-2022
Squatting after ACLR Surgery | 16-Jun-2022
ACL Reconstruction - Week 5: Bike, Balance and Hamstrings | 09-Jun-2022
4 Easy Knee Alingment Drills for Kids | 14-Apr-2022
ACL Rehab 9 Months - Quads and Hamstring Strength | 09-Feb-2022
ACL Rehab RTS - Hopping Training at 35 weeks | 15-Jan-2022
Hopping and Agility Exercises for ACL Surgery Rehab - Week 20 | 28-Sep-2021
ACL Reconstruction Surgery - Rehab at Week 14 | 11-Aug-2021
Knee Meniscus Surgery Rehab - Week 7 Exercises | 06-May-2021
Knee Meniscus Surgery Rehab - Week 2 - Pt.2 | 28-Mar-2021
Knee Meniscus Surgery Rehab - Week 2 - Pt.1 | 23-Mar-2021
Knee Extension Strengthening - Home Hack With Bands | 12-Feb-2021
Isolating Hamstring Strengthening with Bands | 31-Jan-2021
ACL + Knee Injury - Return to Sport Tests - Pt.1 | 21-Nov-2020
Knee Impact Rehab - Pt.4 | 06-Sep-2020
Knee Impact Rehab - Pt.3 | 05-Sep-2020
Knee Impact Rehab - Pt.2 | 22-Aug-2020
Knee Impact Rehab - Pt.1 | 15-Aug-2020
Adding load to a step down | 09-Jul-2020
Step down: Add stability before Load | 20-May-2020
Eccentric exercises for knees and shoulders | 02-Mar-2020
Shoulder Surgery - Post-op Week 3 | 14-Jan-2020
Swiss Ball squats technique and tips | 24-Nov-2019
Physio Lunge - Progressions + Regressions Explained | 02-Oct-2019
Lateral Step Up with Stability/Load Progression | 08-Sep-2019
Knee Rehab for Meniscal Tear and Synovitis - Part 2 | 22-Aug-2019
3 Drills for Knee Injury Prevention in Kids | 27-Jun-2019
Single Leg Step Down (Bar Deload) | 23-Feb-2019
Body Weight Squat with a Band | 16-Feb-2019
One Leg Balance on a BOSU | 05-Feb-2019
Clams with a Band | 04-Feb-2019
Advanced glute strengthening for runners | 03-Sep-2018
ACL Rehab, Injury Prevention and Return to Sport - Pt.1 | 15-Aug-2017
ACL Rehab, Injury Prevention and Return to Sport - Pt.2 | 15-Aug-2017
ACL Rehab Week 6 - Squats, Step down,1 leg BOSU balance | ACL-06-2 | 17-Oct-2015
ACL Surgery Day 4 - Extension, Quads and Hams | ACL-01-1 | 17-Oct-2015
ACL Surgery Rehab - Pt 1 - How to pivot in a squat | 17-Oct-2015
ACL Surgery Rehab - Pt 2 - Box jumps and rotation | 17-Oct-2015
ACL Surgery Rehab - Pt 3 - Jump turn and side step | 17-Oct-2015
ACL Surgery Rehab - Pt 4 - Change direction and single leg jump | 17-Oct-2015
Advanced skier squats with lateral band | ACL-11-4 | 17-Oct-2015
Band Lateral loading in a Physio Lunge | ACL-10-2 | 17-Oct-2015
BOSU side step and jump for advanced knee rehab | 17-Oct-2015
Box jumps with rotation at end stage ACL rehab | ACL-25-2 | 17-Oct-2015
Correct Core bracing for spinal stability in squat and lifting | 17-Oct-2015
Difference in power with box jumps in a LARS ACL | ACL-14-4 | 17-Oct-2015
Eccentric hamstring curl for pelvic control + tendon | 17-Oct-2015
Eccentric leg extension with patello-femoral pain and VMO | 17-Oct-2015
Fixing Medial Patella (knee) Pain in a Cycling Athlete | 17-Oct-2015
Full one leg ball squat in knee with LARS ACL graft | ACL-10-1 | 17-Oct-2015
Glutes - Hip Extension, Squats and 1 leg balance | ACL-03-3 | 17-Oct-2015
Hamstring and tendon injury rehab using the band | 17-Oct-2015
Hamstring deadlifts to protect the ACL graft | ACL-05-1 | 17-Oct-2015
Hamstring Isometrics, Drops, and Flicks | ACL-04-1 | 17-Oct-2015
Hamstring Kinesio taping and eccentric band curls | ACL-07-1 | 17-Oct-2015
High box one leg pistol squats at 11 weeks | ACL-11-2 | 17-Oct-2015
Hip and knee control in a skier squat after surgery | ACL-10-3 | 17-Oct-2015
How to reduce load on the one leg ball squat for knee pain | 17-Oct-2015
How to reduce load on the step down for knee pain | 17-Oct-2015
Increasing flexion on step down after surgery | ACL-09-3 | 17-Oct-2015
Internal hip and knee control on 1 leg lateral hops | ACL-23-2 | 17-Oct-2015
Knee alignment and VMO tone on the leg press | ACL-05-3 | 17-Oct-2015
Knee alignment in a one leg ball squat | ACL-09-2 | 17-Oct-2015
Knee alignment with Physio Lunges after ACL recon | ACL-08-2 | 17-Oct-2015
Knee internal rotation and injury prevention on 1 leg | ACL-12-2 | 17-Oct-2015
Knee internal rotation on box jumps | ACL-24-1 | 17-Oct-2015
Knee ROM and tone week 23 in a ACL LARS recon | ACL-23-1 | 17-Oct-2015
Knee tracking with Swiss ball squats | ACL-04-2 | 17-Oct-2015
Lateral and medial single leg box jumps | ACL-25-1 | 17-Oct-2015
Lateral step ups on high box | ACL-11-3 | 17-Oct-2015
One Leg Ball Squat for VMO, Glutes and Knee stability | 17-Oct-2015
One Leg Ball Squat - regression for knee pain | ACL-08-3 | 17-Oct-2015
One Leg Ball squat static control on a ACL knee | ACL-07-3 | 17-Oct-2015
One leg box hops up and down | ACL-16-3 | 17-Oct-2015
Physio Lunge for VMO and Glute Activation in Knee Rehab | 17-Oct-2015
Powerband lateral resistance for hip and knee stability | 17-Oct-2015
Powerband the increase single leg work | ACL-11-1 | 17-Oct-2015
Running drills in preparation for running phase | ACL-16-4 | 17-Oct-2015
Running Side steps ability with a ACL LARS graft | ACL-14-3 | 17-Oct-2015
Running side steps at weeks 14 and 15 post operative | ACL-14-2 | 17-Oct-2015
Side step with a BOSU at week 10 ACL rehab program | ACL-10-4 | 17-Oct-2015
Single leg compass on a BOSU for stability training | ACL-07-2 | 17-Oct-2015
Single Leg Deadlift on the BOSU | ACL-13-2 | 17-Oct-2015
Single leg hamstring deadlifts with a kettlebell | ACL-09-1 | 17-Oct-2015
Single leg hops in a hamstring graft ACL recon | ACL-16-1 | 17-Oct-2015
Single Leg Step Down for VMO strengthening and knee pain | 17-Oct-2015
Single leg to double leg hop up and down | ACL-14-1 | 17-Oct-2015
Sitting VMO Squeeze, one leg balance and calf raise | ACL-02-2 | 17-Oct-2015
Skier Squat for Hip, Knee and ACL Rehab | 17-Oct-2015
Skier squat on BOSU for advanced control | ACL-12-1 | 17-Oct-2015
Skier Squats and Step downs on BOSU | ACL-13-1 | 17-Oct-2015
Squat injury prevention and rehab - Pt 3 - Knee Angles | 17-Oct-2015
Squat Rehab - Pt 2 - Knee Internal Rotation | 17-Oct-2015
Star pattern hopping for knee and ankle loading | ACL-16-2 | 17-Oct-2015
Step Down - Pt. 2 for knee rehab and glute strength | 17-Oct-2015
The Physio Lunge - Part 2 - Patello-femoral pain and angles | 17-Oct-2015
VMO Extension Raise after Knee Surgery | ACL-02-4 | 17-Oct-2015
Walking re-education and glute bridges | ACL-03-2 | 17-Oct-2015
Which leg press machine is best for knee rehab | 17-Oct-2015
ACL Post-op Week 1 - Glutes and Deep Hip Rotators | ACL-01-3 | 14-Jul-2015
Top 4 Exercises for Patello-femoral Joint Pain | 27-Sep-2024
MCL and LCL Knee Ligament Mid-Stage Injury Rehab | 15-Sep-2024
4 Safe Exercises for Knee Meniscus Tear Rehab | 13-Aug-2024
Powerband Glide to Improve Knee Flexion after Surgery | 02-Apr-2024
Top 4 Exercises for VMO (Quadriceps) Activation and Strength | 05-Feb-2024
How to Correct Your Box Step Ups | 07-Dec-2023
Best 4 Glute Max Advanced Strenghening Exercises | 15-Oct-2023
Tackling the TFL - Mobility and Rehab | 15-Jun-2023
How to Progress a Glute Bridge from 2 to 1 Leg | 09-Feb-2023
Top 5 Exercises for Hamstring Tears | 21-Dec-2022
Box Hop Plyometrics for Single Leg Knee Strength and Stability | 14-Dec-2022
Improve Your Lunge with Glute Strength | 10-Jul-2022
Hamstring Curls - Open Chain Strengthening Band Progression | 21-Apr-2022
How To Do the Skater Squat | 01-Apr-2022
Sit to Stand Progressions for Knee Rehab | 19-Mar-2022
Single Leg Exercise Hack for Patello-femoral Knee Pain | 25-Jan-2022
Knee Control - How to Stop it Rolling In | 22-Dec-2021
Improve your Hamstring Nordic Curls using bands | 19-Nov-2021
Correcting Lunges when you have Patello-femoral Knee Pain - Pt. 2 | 03-Oct-2021
Correcting Lunges when you have Patello-femoral Knee Pain - Pt. 1 | 02-Oct-2021
Home Rehab and Strength Workout #3 | 15-Jul-2021
Home Rehab and Strength Workout #2 | 11-Jul-2021
Home Rehab and Strength Workout #1 | 04-Jul-2021
Hip Adductor (Groin) Exercise Strengthening Progression | 21-Jun-2021
Correct Your Squat Pt.2 | 16-May-2021
Correct Your Squat - Pt.1 | 12-May-2021
Using Bands for Hip Hinges and Deadlifts | 27-Feb-2021
Barbell Hip Thrust - Correct Pelvic Position and Load Tips | 29-Jan-2021
How to do a Supported Single Leg Deadlift | 09-Jan-2021
ACL + Knee Injury - Return to Sport Tests Pt.2 | 04-Dec-2020
Terminal Knee Extension (TKE) Exercises Explained | 30-Sep-2020
Hamstring training at home | 05-Aug-2020
1 Leg Stability in a Bridge / Hip Extension | 06-Jul-2020
Adding a Powerband to Single Knee Rehab | 07-Jun-2020
Leg Strength Band Alternative to Machines | 27-May-2020
Hip and Knee Strength + Control for Runners | 05-May-2020
Glute Med Eccentric Training | 24-Mar-2020
Hip Hinge - Spine Positition + Movement Hack | 22-Nov-2019
Progressing a Hip Hinge to a RDL using bands | 24-Oct-2019
How to do a Single Leg RDL and Progress it | 20-Oct-2019
Glute activation + pelvic stability with clams | 07-Oct-2019
One Leg Ball Squat: Progressions for Rehab | 17-Jul-2019
Graduated Band Resistance for Leg Workouts | 09-Jul-2019
Using a TRX to increase Depth in a Pistol Squat | 03-Jul-2019
Using a Slider to Improve your Single Leg Squat | 04-May-2019
The right way to lift heavy off the floor | 09-Apr-2019
Lumbar spine position in flexion and a deadlift | 28-Jan-2019
Fixing Knee Alignment in a Squat and Deadlift | 02-Oct-2018
Lateral knee resistance for sport - P.2 | 23-Jul-2018
Lateral knee resistance for sport - P.1 | 06-Jul-2018
Banded load for single leg and shoulders | 21-May-2018
Correcting dynamic and walking lunges | 15-May-2018
Holiday Bodyweight Training routine | 23-Apr-2018
Eccentric leg strengthening using machines | 05-Mar-2018
Variable resistance + constant load rehab | 18-Jan-2018
Knee Mobility and Strength Maintenance | 05-Jan-2018
Patella and quadriceps tendon strengthening | 25-Oct-2017
Ankle injury rehab and stability training | 28-Sep-2017
Top 4 exercises for Glute activation | 07-Sep-2017
Ski + snowboard training quads + glutes | 28-Aug-2017
Lateral loading for advanced knee rehab | 22-Aug-2017
Progressing knee rehab with band resistance | 11-Aug-2017
VMO / Quads Activation pre-exercise | 31-Jul-2017
Upper + Lower Body Band and Mobility Circuit | 21-Jul-2017