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Physio Rehab | Exercise Library | Shoulder Joint and Rotator Cuff
CS | Lower Trap / Rhomboids - TP Ball
CS | Medial Scap Release TP Ball (Standing)
SS | 1 Arm Overhead Extension - Foam Roller
SS | Abduction-Adduction (cradle)
SS | Abduction post-glide (banded)
SS | Anterior Shoulder (band)
SS | Chest / Pecs - Foam Roller
SS | Chest / Pecs (wall)
SS | Deltoid Release
SS | External Rotation (pole) - 90 deg
SS | External Rotation ROM (band)
SS | External Rotation ROM (Doorway)
SS | External Rotation ROM (pole)
SS | External Rotation ROM - Supine (AP-Band)
SS | Flexion (cradle)
SS | Flexion post-glide (banded)
SS | Flexion ROM (band-pulley)
SS | Floor Angels - Foam Roller
SS | Hand Behind Back
SS | Hand Behind Back - IR (band)
SS | Hand Behind Back - IR (band - door)
SS | HBB post-glide (banded)
SS | Lats / Adductors (band)
SS | Lats - Foam Roller
SS | Overhead / Extension - Foam Roller
SS | PA Abduction (pole) - 150 deg
SS | PA External Rotation ROM (pole)
SS | PA Flexion (ER) - Standing
SS | PA Flexion (ER) - Supine
SS | PA Flexion (pole)
SS | PA Flexion ROM (supine)
SS | PA Flexion (rope pulley)
SS | Passive Abduction - Caudal Glide Band
SS | Pec 90-90 - Foam Roller
SS | Pec Minor Release (TP Ball)
SS | Pecs Prone - Foam Roller
SS | Posterior Cuff and Capsule Stretch
SS | Posterior Cuff - TP Ball
SS | Posterior Cuff - TP Ball (Standing)
SS | Posterior Rotator Cuff (band)
SS | Serratus Release - Foam Roller
SS | Shoulder ER in Flexion (supine - band)
SS | Shoulder Overhead Shortlever (posterior band)
SS | Sleeper Stretch
SS | Stick Overhead Rotations
SS | Table Top
TS | Thread The Needle
C2 | Retraction (Prone)
S1 | 1 Arm Ball Balance
S1 | 1 Arm Bent-over Row
S1 | 1 Arm Chest Press
S1 | 1 Arm Row (eccentric - band)
S1 | 1 Arm Scapula Press - Supine
S1 | 1 Arm Scapula Row (band)
S1 | 1 Arm Scapular Row (bar)
S1 | 1 Arm Skydive
S1 | AA Flexion (pole) - Standing
S1 | AA Flexion (pole) - Supine
S1 | Abduction (isometric)
S1 | Abduction (short lever) - Sidelying
S1 | Abduction (unweighted) - 90 deg
S1 | Adduction (isometric)
S1 | Extension (isometric)
S1 | External Rotation (eccentric - band)
S1 | External Rotation (isometric)
S1 | External Rotation Isometric (ball) - Supine
S1 | External Rotation - Prone 90-90
S1 | External Rotation (unweighted) - Sidelying
S1 | Flexion (isometric)
S1 | Flexion - Supine
S1 | Flexion (unweighted)
S1 | Horizontal Ab/Adduction - Supine
S1 | Internal Rotation - Inner Range (Band)
S1 | Internal Rotation (isometric)
S1 | Pendular Circles
S1 | Scapula Depression (band)
S1 | Scapula Elevation (band)
S1 | Scapula Press (4 pt)
S1 | Scapula Press (Wall)
S1 | Scapula Protraction (band)
S1 | Scapula Retraction (band)
S1 | Scapula Rows (stand)
S1 | Scapula Setting
S1 | Skydive
S1 | Wall Angels
SS | PA Abduction ROM (pole)
S2 | 1 Arm Raise (4 point)
S2 | 1 Arm Row (band)
S2 | 1 Arm Row (bar)
S2 | 1 Arm Scap Row (Angle)
S2 | 1 Arm Scapula Circles - Wall (Swiss Ball)
S2 | 1 Arm Scapula Press (45 degrees)
S2 | 1 Arm Scapula Press (4 pt)
S2 | 1 Arm Scapula Press - 4 pt (Ball)
S2 | 1 Arm Scapula Press - Standing (Band - Hand)
S2 | 1 Arm Scapula Press - Standing (Band - Scapula)
S2 | 1 Arm Scapula Press - Supine (band)
S2 | 1 Arm Scapula Press (wall)
S2 | 1 Arm Scapula Press - Wall (Ball)
S2 | 1 Arm Vertical Pull Down
S2 | Abduction (eccentric)
S2 | Abduction - Supine (band)
S2 | Extension (band)
S2 | External Rotation 90 deg (band) - Supine
S2 | External Rotation (band)
S2 | External Rotation (banded post glide)
S2 | External Rotation (dumbbell)
S2 | External Rotation with Scap Protraction
S2 | External Rotation with Scap Retraction
S2 | Flexion - Supine (band)
S2 | Foam Roller Shoulder Press - Wall
S2 | Front Sprinter (band) - Eccentric
S2 | Internal Rotation (45 deg) - Dumbbell
S2 | Internal Rotation (band)
S2 | Internal Rotation - Supine (band)
S2 | Internal Rotation with Scap Retraction
S2 | Isometric Ball To Wall Press
S2 | Overhead Assisted Abduction (band)
S2 | Overhead Assisted Abduction - Supine (band)
S2 | Overhead Assisted Flexion - Supine (band)
S2 | Pec Fly - Supine (Band)
S2 | Prone Scapula Press - Abduction Slide
S2 | Prone T's (1 Arm) - 90-110 deg
S2 | Prone Y's (1 Arm) - 150 deg
S2 | Push Up - Assisted (Band)
S2 | Push Up (Incline)
S2 | Push Up (Knees - BOSU)
S2 | Scaption - Eccentric (Band)
S2 | Scaption - Eccentric (Dumbbell)
S2 | Scapula Press - 1 Arm (Swiss Ball)
S2 | Scapula Press (4 point - band)
S2 | Scapula Press - Wall (Band)
S2 | Side Sprinter (band) - Eccentric
S2 | Skydive (BOSU)
S2 | Standing Side Sprinter
S2 | Subscapular Lifts (prone)
S2 | Supine 1 Arm Press KB
S2 | Swiss Ball T's
S2 | Swiss Ball Y's
S2 | Upright T's
S2 | Upright Y's
L3 | Bird Dog
S3 | 1 Arm Chest Press (ball)
S3 | 1 Arm Chest Press (band)
S3 | 1 Arm Chest Press (Kettlebell)
S3 | 1 Arm Press (wall)
S3 | 1 Arm Pull Downs
S3 | 1 Arm Row - 90 deg (band)
S3 | 1 Arm Scapula Press - 4pt (band)
S3 | 1 Arm Scapula Press and Arm Raise - Floor (Band)
S3 | 1 Arm Scapula Press - wall (band)
S3 | 1 Arm Upright Y's (band)
S3 | Abduction (band)
S3 | Above Head In and Outs
S3 | Adduction (band)
S3 | Chin / pull ups - eccentric
S3 | Extension (Height)
S3 | External Rotation - 45 Deg (band)
S3 | External Rotation - 60 deg (banded inf-post glide)
S3 | External Rotation - 90 Deg Wall (Band)
S3 | Foam Roller Shoulder Press - (Band)
S3 | Front Press
S3 | Front sprinter (band)
S3 | Hand Behind Back Skydive (1 Arm)
S3 | Hand Stand Scapula Push Ups
S3 | Hanging Scap Pulls
S3 | Internal Rotation - 45 Deg (band)
S3 | Internal Rotation - 60 deg (banded inf-post glide)
S3 | Internal Rotation (90 deg) - Dumbbell
S3 | Internal Rotation Diagonal (high to low)
S3 | Int-Ext Oscillations - 90 Deg
S3 | Lower Trap Pull Down - Foam Roller
S3 | Overhead Abduction - Supine (lateral band)
S3 | Prone Isometric I's (180 deg)
S3 | Prone Isometric T's (90 deg)
S3 | Prone Isometric Y's (135 deg)
S3 | Pull Up - Assisted (Power band)
S3 | Push Up
S3 | Reverse Fly (4 point)
S3 | Scap-shoulder press (ball)
S3 | Scaption (Dumbbell)
S3 | Scapula Abduction Slide - Prone (Band)
S3 | Scapula Abduction Slide - Wall
S3 | Scapula - Horizontal Extension (Band)
S3 | Scapula Press (Full Plank)
S3 | Scapula Pull Ups
S3 | Shoulder Press - Anterior Band (90 deg ER)
S3 | Standing Side Sprinter (band)
S3 | Subscap Wall Push Off
S3 | TRX Scapula Row
S3 | Wall Band Pull Aparts
S3 | W Sets
S4 | 1 Arm Eccentric TRX Pull
S4 | 1 Arm KB Chest Press (lateral band)
S4 | 1 Arm Theraband Press
S4 | Ball Bounce and Catch - 1 Arm (wall)
S4 | Band Diagonals
S4 | ER Ball Drops (eccentric)
S4 | External Rotation - 135 Deg (Band)
S4 | External Rotation - 90 Deg (band)
S4 | Genies (band)
S4 | Hand Stand Push Ups
S4 | Internal Rotation - 135 Deg (Band)
S4 | Internal Rotation - 90 Deg (band)
S4 | Isometric Overhead Extension - 180 deg (Band)
S4 | Overhead Extension Pulls - 180 deg (Band)
S4 | Prone Y's
S4 | Pull Ups (Scapula Depression)
S4 | Push Up (banded)
S4 | Shoulder Press - 45 deg (KB)
S4 | Shoulder Press (lateral band)
S4 | Standing Side Sprinter (Overhead Band)
S4 | TRX Push Up
S4 | TRX Row